

Trailer  Script:


Sequence begins with an establishing shot of Stratford.

Premises: 3 friends  are in Stratford, having a day out they notice something/someone suspicious and they are curious to find out that strange activity occurring in Stratford. The scenery of Stratford appears strange and awkward.


The sequence opens with a statue in Stratford town, the camera pans down to reveal the whole figure, this is the establishing shot.


(Music starts playing, we see a low angle shot of three people walking through a carpark. (dramatic music plays as this is taking place.)



Guys I have a real bad feeling about this town. Didn’t you hear about the murder which happened last week? (confused and worried)



Mat why even bring that up,  (rolls eyes). Just chill out and enjoy the evening we’re meant to be celebrating me passing my driving test.


As Jackson says this footsteps are heard behind, (at this point tension is built by the 3 friends standing still and looking around.)



What the hell was that noise?


Camera cuts to black on screen for a few seconds, in the next sequence the antagonist is shown running towards the camera through the Stratford Canal.



(panicking), Help!! It’s coming after me.


Antagonist runs over to Jackson and hits him round the face with an axe, this  is implied to have killed him however this is the climax of the trailer leaving it with a cliffhanger.

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