Shot List

Shot List

Shot List:

Horror Trailer shot list Written by Jackson Clifford:Camera uses an establishing shot of Stratford to showcase the scenery of the film, this includes the buildings Stratford train station and the town.

        Opens up with an establishing shot of Stratford Town and its scenery.


– In the next sequence a low angle shot of three people walking is demonstrated, camera       then pans up to reveal who the people are and their surroundings.

  • In the next sequence a close up the main protagonist is clearly presented, the camera moves upwards and pans to the left of the character
  • A close up of the main protagonist looking at the statue in Stratford town, camera pans around the statue.
  • high angle shot of the protagonist staring up at the statue, (looks confused and lost)
  • A long shot of Car Park, the camera moves around capturing the scenery of the location. The camera then features an over the shoulder shot of the clown (main antagonist) piercing over a car looking directly at the main protagonist.
  • In this next sequence an extreme close up of the main protagonists face is captured, this shot is used to capture the shock and fear in his eyes to give a sense of fear and helplessness.
  • Long shot of the protagonist walking with friends around Stratford town, camera moves around the location establishing the surroundings.
  • Pov shot of the antagonist following the group of friends walking in Stratford town.
  • Close up shot of the main protagonist and the other characters, capturing their facial expressions and what is happening around them.
  • Long shots of the antagonist running through the canal, the lighting of this area supports the overall suspenseful theme we are going for.

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