Radio Show Finished Show


Radio Show Evaluation


Thoughts on Radio Show

Overall, the radio show in which we have produced I would say that it was reasonable. I liked the music in which we played and the way it was presented. We all worked well as a team and have all done our fair share on the workload. During the pre-production stage we were all were assigned to at least two pieces of pre-production each. The pre-production we did is the following:


Alex: Script, Crew list and Jingle

Stephen: Crew list, Radio Clock and Risk assessment

Dan: Research and Influences


During this stage I feel liked that Dan could have done some more work however, he did struggle with the research and we did help him where necessary. During one of the lessons in which I was alone, I did get most of my work done without the distraction of the other two. On the other hand, we did get the work done near enough on time. It was only the jingle which was left until the last minute which we should of all put effort into.


Group Performance

During the show we worked well as a team. We started off by following the script. However, as started to get into the show and got more relaxed. We started to drift away from the script and started to be ourselves. During the pre-production we worked well as a group. We helped each other when needed and got all the pre-production with a few days left over for extra planning. Furthermore, I feel like we could of worked well when doing the pre-production.


Strengths Of Our Radio Show

During our show, we worked well as a team and got all it done in one take with a few hig-ups in the middle. During the middle of our show we had a few laughs and we had to turn off Alex’s microphone for two minutes while we had a laughing fit in his hand. I also think the choice in music in which we chose was very selective and very well fitted to the topic in which we were discussing.

I think another good thing we did is that we also did, is that we picked music in which we enjoyed and liked as a group.


We all seemed nervous and very under experienced as we went into the show. We all could have done with some more experience in the radio studio just to get use to all of the things in there. Alex’s said himself ‘I could do with some more time to get to use with some of these controls’. I also feel like we started with a robotic voice and were sticking to the script too much. I feel like even if we went off script a little bit it would of made for more interesting commentary.


If I was to redo the show I would do more on the jingle and more on the script. As we did sound very robotic and very cliché at the beginning of our show. Also, I think that we should have recorded maybe 15 minutes longer just to get us to show like normal. I would also make a longer jingle and make an indent separately from the jingle. I would put more work into the pre-production and make the script more unique and non-cliché show.

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