Client Requirements

The information that Kris has given to me is what kind of areas in which the RSC work within and which areas will impact what we will be producing. He also gave us some examples of films in which he has made and i really enjoyed the butcher scene where he made very gory and very gross, so it will stick within the audience. He also gave us some advice to make sure that we add our own foley sounds and use colour palettes to get our view across to the rest of the production team.

I will add this into my own practise by going though my edit multiply times just to make sure that i have all of the right sounds and visual in there that I would want. Kris also talked about communication and about how you should always talk to your work force and make sure that you take in everyones view and what they would like to do. During the prevention Kris talked about context within the short narrative and how we should portray that towards the audience. He talk about taste of the show. So giving some viewers that taste for the content and looking at it wanting to watch it. Giving the main outline for the show.

For this project I will make sure that I will produce all paperwork with a professional outlook. Also during our project my team mates will be counting on me to get all of the relevant legal documents done e.g. Risk assessment before we are able to go out filming. I will also come together with me production team and will talk about what we would like to and how we will be able to achieve this. I would like to work alongside with the director as well to see what his ideas were for this film and how he would like to proceed forwards with it.


Role Description 


Role Title: Producer/ Director’s Assistant  

Role Summary: To work alongside with the director and everyone who is developing the idea for the film. On occasion take control the crew and make sure that all needs are tailor for.

As being part of the development team, you work with all crew to develop the main idea and present our idea to the RSC.

Role Responsibility:

  • Oversee the production of the film. Develop the idea of the film with the director the rest of the team.
  • Be part of the pre-production and oversee the main health and safety and production schedule before the set production dates start.
  • Be in charge of the off-screen crew and make sure that everyone’s needs are catered for.
  • Work alongside the team to produce and present a presentation to outline our main idea to our client.
  • Have a say about what music editing techniques are used during the post-production stage.

Role Requirements:

  • Understand what documentation is needed
  • Understand all needs of the crew and be able to make decision without consulting the director.
  • Be able to take management of people without being asked
  • Be able to take lead when the director is either busy or not around
  • Have basic time management skills and be able to manage production schedule


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