Detroit Become Human

Detroit become human is a Sci-fi game based around the industrious city of Detroit, in 2038 where the android revaluation has started. The game follows three characters: Connor , Markus and Kara. All of these characters are androids which the player controls their stories and how they should act and make decisions. Furthermore, later within the story-line all the three character come together in one however, each character has a different objective.

Connor: Has the objective of completing his mission and stopping the deviants from becoming a danger to humans, later within the game though the player makes the choice whether Connor is deviant or not.

Markus: Has the objective of being the messiah for the android and letting them be free. The player finds out early in the game that Markus is nurtured by Carl an elderly man and treats Markus like a son Carl never had.

Kara: Starts the game as being brought back to life from a damaged state. She is made to look after this young girl Alice, treating her just like her own daughter. However, has we find out later in the game Alice is actual an android child. The whole story is Kara is based around family.

How am I Influenced 

The director of Detroit Become Human, David Cage spent a whole year developing the script for the game writing multiple stories for each character. Furthermore, I am influenced by the different shots which are used throughout the game. Even though it’s been made differently to a film David Cage has managed to used some interesting shots and also his use of colour and lighting throughout the game.

The main influence behind the story is about having multiple stories and then they end up meeting during the middle and then it develops from there. Furthermore, I would like to take the way in which the androids are easily distinguishable apart from humans, though the LED which is worn between the eye and ear.



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