
FMP Evaluation

Initial Ideas

We started the FMP be being assigned into groups. I was assigned with Joe, Will and Jordan. We then worked on planning an idea in which we could work with. The first ideas in which came up were talk shows and comedy shows. I decided that we would add the aspect of game shows to that. This gave us an idea about what to do. We talked about doing a challenge show in which contestants would do funny things for points. This led me thinking about the show Task Master and that is where the start of the show was made.

What went well with the studio show?

During the whole FMP the one area in which I think was the productions/ rehearsals. The reasons I think that these went well were because during the rehearsals we definitely had area to improve upon.

During the first rehearsal there was definitely a shortfall within the paper work and we were not very well prepared.

The feedback in which I got was that ‘The running order is too long and complicated’. I took that feedback and shortened in for the second rehearsal. This made it more understandable to the PA and the VT Operator.

However, I took the feedback in which we got and improved upon then. When it came to the actual show all the paper work was ready and prepared for the show. What I did I stuck all of the paper on the door going into the TV Studio, so that anyone who will be enter the studio will automatically understand what is going on and who is where.

When it came to feedback in which I got about the paperwork. I was met with good positive feedback. The lecturer who entered to observe the show was very impressed with how organised and how much pre-production was used to create this show.

What could have been improved?

Over the whole production there was areas in which needed improvement.  From the rehearsals to the real broadcast. For the first rehearsal the problem in which we had is that people didn’t know what the show was about and also thee didn’t have a good script, running order and lighting plan in place. This left: Crew, on screen talent and gallery crew unsure about what they were doing and what was going on.

However, during the second rehearsal we were much more organised. We had fixed all of the pre-production. On the other hand, we still had errors in which we needed fixing. For example, when the PA and the director were looking over the running order in which I spend a long time working on they concluded that it was ‘too complicated’ and ‘too long’.  Also we still didn’t have a director for that rehearsal that meant that I had to take that role. During this rehearsal I had to take the role of vision mixing and directing. This was because we had lack of crew on that date because Group A were not in that day so we couldn’t get back ups to help out with the production. Also people were not turning up to the rehearsal, including the own director. This left people filling in more than one role, including myself.

For the real show everything was in place all of the pre-production was complete and everyone who was involved in the production turned up on time and knew exactly what they were doing when they arrived that day at the studio.

However, during the show I felt that the director during the show didn’t know about the final challenge which means that he panicked when he saw we were setting up for I had to go into the gallery and calm him down before he started changing the floor and not following the running since we had a very short time to change the set for the final challenge.

Also during the live TV show I felt like I show of put a more experienced vision mixer on the desk. Since I felt that the person who was there was not 100% confident in what they were doing.

Also if I was to redo the show again I would be much more planning when it comes to my set design and my lighting since thee two documentation were rejected and left when working on the pre-production.

Also I would work with a different studio director since I barely saw or talked to the one in which we had. This made me feel like I had to do two roles to do. This was because when I looked at the work in which director done, I was not very satisfied with his work. However, when I approached him about these conflicts he told me that these were done and why should he need to do them.

VT Productions

During the production for the VTs it was very slow. The reason for this is because of pre-production and our schedule for the contestants to film the VT. Over the whole production we planned for 12 VTs. However, we only executed 8. (9 if including opening titles). The job roles for the VTs were Jordan and Joe. Who during the time I thought would get the job done to extremely good standard. However, there was a lack of communication from the beginning of the FMP when they didn’t agree with what they chose and also they started over-lapping with their research.

During the creation of the pre-production there was also a problem since Joe became ill and this left Jordan confused on what he was doing. So when I questioned why he couldn’t do his pre-production he gave an answer which was not valid.

The VTs were extremely well constructed with their editing and were very well timed they gave time for the studio to change over the floor for the final challenge.

During the recording of the VTs there were extremely variety. The director and the producer decided that they should have been recorded in order of the challenges so that’s the way in which we started it. Both of them started planning for the original challenge in which we were going to have which was the Tyre Trouble. Which contestants have to get a tyre from the bottom of the hill to the top. However, when we thought about it. It was too much of a complicated idea for we scrapped it and went back to drawing board.

We decided to change the challenges to the duvet one and the Budding Blowers one. We also planned to have one backup just in case of timings. However, this was not recorded because of the time in which we had.


In conclusion, the TV show as whole was very well constructed and everyone did their job. I think that the reason that the show worked well is because of the organising from myself and the VT producer. Jordan and I worked very well at getting all of the paperwork together and the VTs in place to make sure all of the show ran smoothly. I also felt like that I kept the whole gallery under control and apart from the hiccup with the microphones. The whole show started on time. The presenting from Chris was amazing and a great comedic presenter, really suited the role.

Adding onto that I really liked the crew in which we had during the live show. This was because we worked well as a team and we got all the camera shots in which we needed. I also thought that the director, PA and vision mixer worked well. Adding onto that the sound gallery with Luke and Joe there worked great. During the live show, we did also have a problem during one of the microphones. So, I acted in the right way. By asking Luke which microphone it was and give Justin (the person with the broken microphone). To change it out. I did this during the second VT just to get that sorted and out of the way. Just to make sure that it won’t happen.

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