Evaluation Of TV Show

TV Evaluation

During our TV show, I feel that was did an ok job. The TV show a whole was short mainly because we couldn’t get everything in the VT that we wanted. That was mainly because the 2nd VT was very rushed. That’s mainly because some people in the group couldn’t get the time off to record the VT. The idea for the VT was a road trip to Weymouth in the south.

Overall I think that we worked well as a group during the pre-production stage and the rehearsals. During the 1st rehearsal we were extremely prepared. We have a whole floor plan and a good team during it. Even though we had people who were not there. People stepped in and helped out. For example. Christopher was doing vision mixing but stepped up took director role when he wasn’t there and did a good job.

I found it good that I had all the pre-production prepared for the director and PA that way they had an understanding of what I was trying to achieve. It also meant that the crew had an understanding of where they were going to be without having to ask the creators while they’re setting up the set or doing something else.

On the second rehearsal we were less prepared since we had less time. Also the team was more mixed but everyone had a idea about where they were going. However, I did have an argument with one of the team because he refused to move from a position. Which led to an argument within the gallery.

The actual show went well expect that our VTs were no able the play, so they were added in post-production. Which was a hassle. Overall, the show was cut short because we didn’t plan to have that short of VT however, we tried to stretch it out as much as we could.

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