

The genre in which I am most influenced by is Crime Drama. The main show is Happy Valley 2014. The show is based in a rural town in the Yorkshire Valleys. The protagonist within the first season deals with personal family issues and small policing issues for example, drug dealings within the city and training a new officer.

The main plot of the first season is all about a kidnaping of a woman for cash. The women who has been kidnapped is the daughter of this rich business man. However, the person who is planning the whole thing works for the business. He seeks outside help and a known ‘bad man’ and his associates but this later turns against them.

The target audience for the show is very middle-classed mature audience due to the amount of violence and language. This is also shown by the time it was presented on the TV. Furthermore, the main protagonist is a middle-aged comfortably wealthy female.

During the TV show the protagonist Catherine is a very robust and strong character however, is having problems at home with here daughter and her grandson. There is a binary opposition between the Catherine and the father of her grandson. Since the father is a very violent and selfish person comparing to Catherine who’s a police officer.

I will use aspects of Catharine’s character within my own. The things which I like about Catherine are that, she is a strong independent character when she is working but when it comes to home life, she starts to show her floors. She argues with her daughter, her grandson struggles at school and gets in trouble. The family is broken and it’s her job to fix it. That’s what I like about the show.



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