News Reports

By Clara

Clara talks about the upcoming future and very human like robots and how they’re going to apart of our future. Clara talks about how they have ‘uncanny human form’ making them feel and seem extremely realistic.

During this article Clara also uses examples for a convention in Madrid where the robot was playing the role of a employer being interviewed. The interviewer asked the robot about project management, which she doesn’t understand the conversation but is programmed to detect  certain words and reply appropriately.

She then goes on to talk about how engineers talk about how they make them look human to try and incorporate them into our day to day lives.

Clara also talks about how they’re “muilt-purpose machines which are able to interact with humans.

In this article Jennifer Zhu Scott explain why dangerous it can be to combining. In the article she talks about how we don’t full understand our own brain so how can we remake that into a robotic form. However, due to this fact she thinks that we will never had robots that are self-aware or conscious.

She also questions what humans are scared off. Mainly because of the fact that these human-like androids have been speculated by the famous Sci-Fi genre of books and films.

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