
During the pitch I took the role of telling the audience about what primary research and how I conducted that research. During the pitch you could see in the recording I was very nervous I was playing around with pockets and shuffling around from time to time. Before the pitch I took some time to prepare myself for it. I got the best shirt I could find within the collection of clothes I had on hand and made sure that I dressed appropriately for the pitch.

During my part of the pitch I felt like I presented to the audience well and got all the points across that I wanted to. However, I think that I could of done better by maybe getting the main points on flash cards. This would helped my prepared better my speaking part.

For the timing we did extremely well on keeping to our time limit. Our total prevention took 5:15 which for a target of 5 minutes we think that we achieved very well. The feedback in which we received was very good. Lee said that we were very passionate about the idea in which we were doing. the presentation however, could of done with more pictures to engage the audience.


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