Production Diary

9th Jan 2018: Assignment was launched and we were placed into our working groups. We looked though the sheets we were given and gave roles to the appropriate people. Also started on the research by using survey monkey.

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11th Jan 2018: We started with pre-production. I started doing the risk assessment and got that done with no problems. The other two got started on the: Script and Treatment.

15th Jan 2018: I started on another pieces of Pre-production (Radio Clock) I did this while the other two were off sick. I also edited the risk assessment by adding to it.

18th Jan 2018: Pre-production continues with the others back from being sick. The script and treatment were complete. Alex got working on the speech based package. While Dan started on the synopsis.

21st Jan 2018: Speech package has been done out of hours as well as synopsis. Music has been selected from this date and a list is been made up. Music will be downloaded out of hours and jingles will be finished.

25th Jan 2018: All music has been uploaded to Myriad and ready to be used for the rehearsal Radio show.

29th Jan 2018: Finalising somethings like the indents and the jingles. We also double checked the music.

1st Feb 2018: We worked on other things and ended up working more on our TV work than radio.

5th Feb 2018 Broadcast Day: We all arrived on time and work well as team. Everything was ready and prepared. We had scripts when we needed them. We also had a few moments during the show where we did go ‘um’ and ‘oh’ a lot but we pushed though them.

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