Research Conclusion

During our initial idea, we chose to do a task based show where contestants are given 3 challenges to do to gain points. The challenges will be difficult and also complicated to understand that’s where the contestants lose points. The challenges in which we chose are Tyre Turner and Budding Blowers. Tyre turner is challenge were contestants are told to roll a tyre up the hill as fast as they can. Budding Blowers is about blowing the heaviest item in the room off the table and the person who can blow the biggest and heaviest item off wins the most points.

Then at the end of all the challenges we will then come back to the studio, for a final challenge which will take place within the studio and the  contestants will not know what that challenge will be until it is announced by the presenter. We chose this idea because we would it would be very entertaining to do and a good challenge to complete all the way though. The group in which I was put in thought it bring us closer together.

The research method in which we have chosen are as followed. For the primary we will be doing: Survey, Questionnaire and Interview. For the secondary research we will also be doing: Internet Research, Existing TV and Social Media Research.

The reason we chose these are because we thought that we would get the best answers from the research in which we did. The research which worked well was the survey and existing TV research. These worked well because we got the information for the challenges off the existing TV and the survey gave us an ideas for the what the audiences want to see. For example, the people on the survey chose that the VTs should be short and cut into four parts (two people per VT/per challenge).

The main findings in which we found during the research part of the FMP. We found out how the TV show who we are basing our FMP on (Task Master) how they make their VTs. We also found out that the audience want to see short and simple VTs and that they also want some kind of messy challenge at the end of the show as final challenge.

The research in which we conducted was extremely valuable. The answers which we found/got during the research period made it easier for us to understand how to construct a good VT/ Show. We as a group now understand what to do to create such show. We will now take the information that we got (Listed below) and add them into our ideas/ TV broadcast.

  • Create short and simple clips of each challenge
  • Have some kind of messy/ humiliating challenge for the final challenge.
  • Add some kinda of twist to the challenges to make them more appealing/entertaining for the audience.

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