Scene Analysis- The Crown. Tony and Margret

The scene starts with Princess Margret leaving the palace and about to enter her car before we cut to pan outwards towards Tony sitting on his bike with a cigarette in his mouth. When it shows Tony in the shot the focus then switches from Margret to Tony.

The camera then cuts to a wide shot of Tony look upwards towards the Queen’s Mothers window. As if he was trying to make the mother worried about sending her youngest child off with this man. Furthermore, Tony is also wearing all black clothing as if he is a trouble maker.

We then cut to Princess Margret who is also wearing full black clothing so there is already a link within their costume. She looks back to the house before glancing at Tony again. The roars of the motorcycle still overpowering the atmosphere. This is when the calming classical music starts to kick in and the camera cuts back to Tony looking and smiling at the Princess.

The camera is cutting towards a close up of Tony pushing the stopper up and riding away. The camera showing both the Princess’s heels and Tony’s boots.

Then theirs a change in location into central London. with some downwards pans as they glide up the street attempting to escape from the car following them.  Then another pan but into a car mirror looking back at them together.

Change in locations again to just outside St. James Park. This scene starts with a side view with the nature in the background but then we but back to a mid-shot of Tony and Margret driving away from Buckingham Palace as if to say that Tony is helping Margret escape from her royal lifestyle.

Cut to a close up of Margret reaching out for Tony’s hand the first sign of romance between the two within this sequence. We then cut between two locations one being a flash-forward and another being the present. We can see the two of them become more interment with each other. Cutting back to the motorcycle, Margret whispering in Tony’s ear as if there is a sense of mystery into what she is saying and what is this going to entail.

Cutting back to Tony’s studio and we can see that they’re kissing and throwing themselves into each other and being romantic alongside the music, this works perfectly, due to the steady and slow camera movements which go along with such a fast and forward scene of Margret and Tony giving each other love. There is a slow pan across the studio as Margret and Tony starts taking items of clothing off, Margret teasing Tony by throwing shoes at him as a joke.

Cutting back to the bike only for 5 seconds as Margret continues to whisper into his ears however, is short lived as the pans start to speed up with the movements of the Tony and Margret and they tease each other but also kissing each other. The camera staying high for this shot looking down at them between a triangle as if something isn’t right about it or it isn’t going to last?

Cutting back to the bike as a fast close up of Margret turning her head as if she is trying to cuddle Tony on the bike. Making the audience see how much this man means to Margret and how much she loves him.

Cutting back to a steady shot of Margret untiring her dress and Tony taking off his shirt. Cutting to a close of them both Tony behind Margret showing how close they’re together and how interment they’re as a couple.

Cutting back to the street Tony driving past a church with a fast pan across as he honks at his nearby we guess to be friends or colleagues that he has worked with.

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