
Television Script

Alex: Hello and welcome to our charity fundraiser show. Today I’m going to be joined with two fellow team mates and fundraisers, Stephen and Daniel. So the charity we have been fundraising for was “Help Harry Help Others” which is a great cause which helps raise money for people suffering from life threating illnesses such as Brain tumours.

Stephen: “Help Harry Help Others” was a charity set up by 11 year old Harry Moseley.

Dan: Harry had a successful campaign and caught the public eye including a few celebrities such as John Terry and Frank Lampard.

Stephen: Here is a short clip to show the story of school boy, Harry Moseley.

Dan: Role the VT.

Video Tape (2 Minutes)

Alex: So as you can see its a great charity, it has a heart warming story, so if you’d like to donate visit our go fund me which is (details).

Dan: But that’s not all for our show, we’ve done our own bit for this amazing charity by going out and collecting money.

Stephen: Instead of being normal individuals going round with buckets, we decided to go on a journey like no other.

Alex: This is what we did to raise some money, so I hope you enjoy the video.

Video Tape (20 Minutes)

Alex: So as you can see we have traveled long and far to raise some money for this amazing charity. So before we reveal how much we’ve raised, i’d just like to ask Dan and Stephen some questions about this fundraiser. Firstly, What did you guys think was the hardest part about the trip? Because personally for me I think the hardest part was humiliating ourselves a little bit because we were chilling with a 6ft inflatable T-Rex.



Alex: More importantly would  you guys do it again? Me personally I would because I’ve known this charity a while and I’d love to do more fundraising for them in the future.



Alex: Ok so now we are going to reveal how much we’ve raised for this charity. We have managed to raise (£X) So thank you if you have donated or you are thinking about donating.

Stephen: Thank you for going us on this journey.

Dan: And we’ll see you guys next time.

(Everyone waves)

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