Short Film Evaluation

Short film Evaluation

The short was based around the two characters, Mallory and Marcus and this love around the dead protagonist, Julia. The characters are fighting each other mentally as they uncover things, which they didn’t know about themselves, trying to find some kind of completion. During the film they meet with each other to trade items, which have been left for them.

My final production was not what I expected it to come out. This was mainly because the way I used my time. The way in which I worked was that we would go out and film on location and then I won’t edit that scene in which we filmed from that day. Furthermore, this led to many rushed re-shoots and editing.

For my initial objective, I wanted to mainly film on location, which I achieved.Additionally, I well recede the locations and risk assessed them accurately.

The things that I did well were working with my cast and crew to produce a good film. Furthermore, the visual in which I made for the film were excellent. I also thought that the script that I wrote was very thorough, explaining what shot should go where and how the camera should move.

Things that I learn over my short film are that you shouldn’t start the production stage without completing the script or any pre-production. Furthermore, I have also learnt that you should film, and then edit and then plan reshoots. So edit as I go.

If I were to do the film again I would only use one camera mainly because then we first went out filming I used a JVC-150. This camera was not properly white balanced which left with the visuals being very blue in colour. This can be seen mid-way though the film where I started using the Cannon 800-D. Furthermore, I would also spend more time on audio and dialogue. This is mainly because I have very limited dialogue; this leads to not much narrative being explored.

Going forwards to the FMP, I will be using more shotgun microphones, which can pick up dialogue and audio much more. Furthermore, I will also only use one camera as the JVC-150s were an easy camera to use but have technical flaws with them. The cannon 800-d is easier to use plus can be accessed more openly because it’s my personal equipment.

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