Short Film Synopsis And Treatment


The film in which I will be created is a Crime Drama based around this hunt for a murderer on the loose. The directive of the story is named Mallory. Mallory is on the hunt for Marcus however, is suffering for an emotional and physical strain. During his time investigating he has visions of not being good enough. He overcomes these fears and vision by finding a piece of evidence that leads to him catching Marcus.

The antagonist for the narrative is Marcus after murdering his wife, Julia. Marcus is being hunted and has left trails.


For my idea I would like to start in what would be like to start with is Marcus’s face being shrunk up on a board, an investigation board. Then all a suddenly a hand is going swipe across the picture and tare it off. This has been taken down by the main protagonist.

The main protagonist is suffering from emotional and physical problems. This I will outline with him having visions of the antagonist walking past him and getting into his head.

During this I would like to have a steady zoom into the picture. I will achieve this by either hand help camera movement or tripod.

The target audience I would like to focus this upon is more a mature audience as it has a complicated narrative. I will aim at mostly middle classed audience.

The protagonist will continue to look though the paperwork he has then he will see this person walk past that looks like the antagonist and chases but later finds its not then antagonist. This leaves the protagonist very confused and incomplete with himself. He starts things within his head. Stuff like ‘Your useless’, ‘Waste of time’, ‘Nothing’. Really negative words that drag him down.

After he just gets though the negative insults to himself, he stumbles across something which he didn’t see. This leads to him being back in control of himself and being able to catch Marcus.

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