
From this question I can conclude that 46% of the people however, 38% also say that the presenter say to be good as well. That’s another thing in which I will have to put into consideration when picking our presenter for the tv show.


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From this question I can conclude that the audience have chosen that they would prefer  to have comedy over the other questions. So when planning the script we will have to add some kind of comedy or think about what would make the audience laugh?

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During this question I asked what the audience viewing habits are. When I found out the result of the question I was very surprised with the outcome. I think that 38% of the people voted for The Chase is because of the  challenging questions and the presenter.

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For this question I was asking what the audience would like to see happen tot he contestants when they lose a round. The answers in which I got from survey are very surprising. But most people seemed enjoy the fact that they want the victim to eat something foul tasting and  non eatable.

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